12 Best Websites to Get Funny / Silly Facebook Statuses for FREE
Everybody likes funny messages whether on mobile phone or on Facebook. If you are searching the place where you can get thousands of funny messages for posting on Facebook then your search is finished here. We have compiled here 12 free websites which gives you lots of funny, silly or weird messages.
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Facebook status messages help to appear interesting so, make your fb status different from the others. Sharing the sad feelings can reduce the burden of heart, share sad status on Facebook to let your friends know that you are feeling sad. This will surely decrease the sadness.
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Make your Facebook friends smile by sharing hilarious and funny Facebook status. Get the funny quotes on exams for Facebook and share it on the wall of class mates to wish them best of luck for the exams in a cute way. You can get the different and unique Facebook status ideas from these 12 sites.
List of Top 12 websites of funny or silly messages, we've compiled the list here randomly so that might be possible you liked the last number 12 website, so it highly recommended that you visit each website to get your kind of message.
1. Facebook Status Stop:
Top Facebook Status is all about posting variety of messages for regular Facebook users. You just have to visit and find your suitable type of messages as well as funny for posting on Facebook.
2. Funny Status Updates:
Funny Status Updates have thousands of funny messages with long and short. They also have apps, symbols and tools which you can use on Facebook, basically you'll get everything on one place.
3. FacebookStaus123:
Facebook Status 123 is a collection of Facebook status messages for love, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, funny fb status, cool, sweet fb text.
4. Facebook Craze:
Facebook Craze is about funny messages, pictures, games and lots for for you to get. You can get lot of latest updates to post on regular basis.
5. Post Randomonium:
Post Randomonium is truly dedicated for funny messages, they have categories like daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and all time. If you misses last weeks messages then click to check only weeks messages which is one of the unique option.
6. Silly Facebook Statuses:
Silly Facebook Statuses is a collection of funny, witty, hilarious, crazy, silly Facebook statuses and sayings. If you are looking for a funny status or funny saying, you can find them here.
7. Status Stalker:
Status Stalker have the funniest collection of status updates from all over the interwebs. Share your funny statuses anonymously or login to save your favorites. The world needs more funny Facebook Statuses and you have them all.
8. Texts Made Republic:
Texts Made Public (TMP) has all funny Facebook status updates, funny sayings, funny text messages, drunk texts and other funny texts from everyday people like yourself. It's anonymous and no sign up is required.
9. StatusBook.Net:
Statusbook.net also gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked on Facebook except funny messages. Or if you want a great Facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using Facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.
10. SearchQuotes:
SearchQuotes is about quotes for all your needs as well as funny Facebook Status quotes & sayings.
11. Lamebook:
Lamebook is a fun humor blog that allows you to share and marvel at the funny, ridiculous, and outright crazy posts that can be found on your favorite social networking site.
12. Status Crap:
Status Crap is posting other people’s funny status updates from facebook and funny tweets. Then he’s going to pinch off a turd after lunch. Just copy and paste them from facebook, twitter, etc. It's too much fun!
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